Dancing Shadows Ranch

Country United States
State Missouri
City Cabool
Address R. L. Webb 15434 Hwy H
Phone (417) 962-4995
Website http://foxtrottersonline.com/

Dancing Shadows Ranch Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Feb 28, 2015

I bought a horse from Mr. R.L Webb of DSR Fox Trotters who was marketed as a great trail horse that anyone with any confidence could ride. She was rated as a 1 on a scale of 1-10 as 1 being the best as far as personality. I was told she had a super sweet personality and would be good for my daughter to ride and take lessons on. Once I got her home I soon found out that she was infested with bot worms, and I mean like nothing I have ever seen before. This is despite being told she was negitive for worms on a vet test. I was also told she had never offered to rear or buck both of which she has done with me. She has most likely never been lunged on a lunge line and when my trainer atempted to lunge her she went beserk and reared continuously, pinned her ears and struck out at her. I was told by my trainer to get rid of her as she was dangerous. My trainer told me to talk with Mr. Webb and have him take her back. He would have nothing to do with me. When I purchased her from him I had him take her to his trainer and put an extra 30 days on her just to make sure she was safe and ready to ride. When I contacted R.L Webb's trainer after her 30 days to ask him questions and talk to him about any bad habbits she had he never returned my text or calls. She is unfortunately not what she was sold as. She is scared to go out on trails by herself and refuses to leave the barn. She rears when she gets lunged which I am working on with another experienced trainer on. She is not safe for any rider as sold as. Buyer be ware of this guy as he is dishonest in my opinion. I am not a begginer ridder but a confident intermediate and this horse down right scares me. She can be very naughty. Will keep working with this mare for now as she is here in Ca. and she is mine but do not trust this man. He also recomended a hauler that had terrible reviews and has a bad reputation among horse haulers for not being good with the horses, not feeding, watering and showing up much later than expected. I looked up his hauler Dannie Glider and confirmed his bad reviews so did not use him. I wish I would have seen some reviews on DSR Fox Trotters and Mr. Webb as it would have saved me quite a bit of trouble.

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