Madonna Heights

Country United States
State Chile
City Dixhills

Madonna Heights Reviews

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  • May 12, 2014

I was sentence to Madonna Hieghts in dixhills in the early 90's by Judge Joesph from Nassua county courts. I never had a record at all before going there.My stay at that place which mind you is to be a place of religous faith was a hell hole of tourture! I had only two raggy old worn out used uniforms we had bars are our windows and most times were treated worse than inhuman! Yes we were mandated to attend certain things & if we did not obey we went to the padded room ( which by the way on my stay someonetry to light the padded room up! Many girls were bullied by both staff & other girls one of my friends was told it was apple juice she was drinking and it was not it was another girls urine she became very sick!There was alot of racist remarks made by both staff and girls and it was directed towards anyone of light skin.many times I was not allowed to visit home when it was my time to go home for the weekend visit even though I did nothing wrong! I had doubled up in classes and did extra work as part of my program and when I was finally able to leave they stated that I did not do that at all which cause me to yet again have to double up in 11th grade to graduate on time! Sister madaline was only nice to me once in reality & it was more so of a solding manner when I asked her about her wedding ring. And when it came time for the dentist to come we certainly did not get any numbing solution either I had teeth removed without it! Then they stated I was depressed of course I was depressed I was in a minimal lock for no reason! They put mr on prozac as apart of my court ordered treatment and low and behold I sliced myself on it because it sometimes goes the opposite way with people!

On my 16th birthday I was aloud only a hour visit so which was to be the most important day of my teen life was just a donut instead! Everytime I was to go before the judge I was told your not ready to be back home even though I did nothing wrong except for being a normal teen ! Finally I got so sick and tired of it I ran away as I tried running away one staff member grabbed my breast ! With in two minutes of me being out the building a bench warrent was out for my arrest no thanks to mareeda ocalahand! When I returned my jewlery was gone that I had recieved for my 14th birthday when I asked my den mother where it was she stated that it was at her house & that she would bring it back the next day till this day never recieved my name ring back ! When I was finally released from there I was yet again placed in a girls group home because judge joesph stated I was still not ready to go home ! By the time my last court room hearing was it finally sunk into judge joesph's head that I REALLY was not a bad kid at all I just had a messed up family situation & that was not my fault either!Because of this place I lost out on many important teenage years and theese were very important things that I can never get back either! And I felt extreamly so deeply sorry for the girls that were in the home for unwed mother's because I knew what we were going through & I knew that they probably had it much worse than me I'm sure some of those girls had to probably give up their babies. There were a few few that were nice though extreamly few there was a black teacher he was nice and there was a nun who wore tegular clothes and she was extreamly nice kind compassionate and caring all the things that you would expect of a woman of god. She and many of the other girls are what kept me a float durning this hard time. Did it scar me for life yes! And though noone died as far as I know while I was there a little while after me and another girl were released it was in our court order to do rehab at south oaks while we were both in treatment she OD she could not handle what we went through it was too much on her .

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