Tracy Davison

Country Philippines
City Legazpi
Address 20R Greenbelt Parkplace 112C Palanca ST
Phone 639.1671.10579
Most Useful Comment
  • Oct 1, 2014

so true,

The big problem with his idea, he hold people down with empty promises and always saying they are a baby born company and they accomplished so much with little money.

He is just using his talent to convince people to join and eventually they will become millionaire with time and effort, but sadly this will come with a price of purchasing paid sign up and the major problem is no time frame of delivery them to you and no money back!

Major red flag with no time frame...when are you going to receive them? i don't know but smell not good to any smart people.

He always demand more money from those paid sign ups to cover his operation"bootstrap" who cost his company not less than 40k per month !!! i thought Philippines was cheap to operate from and i can only think he's not really a good management operator since he collect easy money ( hard working money will make you choose wise decision).

So, now he playing everyone's to send more money or else all the operation will fall down and no one will be making money in future( this is the trap from him)...make people feel guilty of not recruiting fast enough to save his business.

The big Farce is the creation of 10 thousands millionaire(what the hell), we call that hype or exaggerate !!!

I conclude people who send the money are feeling worry and it is like a gamble problem, Tracy will always ask for more money to save his bizz opp and make feel all people guilty of failure.

Be aware of this man!!! Stay away and your wallet too!

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Tracy Davison Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Sep 26, 2014

Scam. False Promesses, No real TV SHOW

I was a vp at pinoy recruiters, and honestly, I never force anyone to buy paid sign up as I don't believed in it anyway.

I was force to do it saying I haven't enough customers paid sign up bought.

He said my document script to find new recruit was not good ( they are all usiing it right now)

He fired me, which was amazing honestly! but he hasn't paid me for the work I have done.

He did the same to my friend, he owes her 5000$ and decide to block and fired her when she ask for it,.

He scam such a big number of ppl from church! then he says 60sms is sent by god?

But I bought paid sign up back in august 2013, and nothing either.

He block my account, erase my order from 60sms paid sign up, and no way in this world can I get what I paid for.

He is far away from a true person, as he always talk about him helping others.

but the truth is! He only does it when the camera is on! when it's off! he doesn't care!

He is a scam artist,

I have fulfil a complain to the us government, the canadian government, and the philippines government. Also to western union, so he still can't received money from everyone anymore.

I hope he got cut, and brin to jail for the outraging number of person he took advantage of.

Mark as Useful [2 votes]
  • Nov 7, 2014

Let's Stop This Con Artist!

Everything people have written here is 100% true!!!

Tracy Davison and his Sixty Second Millionaire Secrets/ Pinoy Recruiters is a complete scam.

They do run it like cult, and don’t allow any questions that don’t fit with their agenda. Anything they consider to be negative will be deleted instantly, and you will probably be blocked. Plus you will have group of his brainwashed minions bashing you.

I have lost $1000 plus, with monthly subs and paid sign ups. I did get some sign ups, but they were a complete waste of time, and all went inactive the next month.

There are thousands of people out there who have lost money and been scammed by these cowboys. Most people just put it down as a bad experience and forget about it, but we need to let people know, because they are still taking unaware people’s money, and will do until they are shut down.

I have filed complaints with all these organisations, and all people that have lost money should do the same;


Western Union



Philippines SEC


Philippes FBI

All Philippines TV networks



Daily Motion

The Official Receivers Zeek

I will keep on filing reports and pestering them until I get my money, and my friends get their money back, or he and his band of merry criminals are behind bars. It is very easy, just draft one letter, with your complaints and file it with all of the above.

All of those people who are working in the Headquarters (sorry condo’s lol), need to know, they too will be arrested for helping Tracy to cheat and scam members of the public with their Ponzi sceme.

I see now that they are getting members to run meetings for them in different Countries, to take yet more money off of unsuspecting people, under the guise of becoming a millionaire. I will be alerting the authorities in each of these Countries and Cities. So be warned if you are about to run these meetings for Tracy. You are aiding and abetting in a crime by helping in a Ponzi scheme.

  • Sep 5, 2014

I believe he is a SCAMMER!

AT LAST – somebody has actually caught on to this guy and what he’s trying to do here. Everything the original poster said here is on point.

And as someone who WAS an ardent fan and follower of Tracy Davison, I can tell you that it took me a fair while to come to my senses because like a lot if not all of his ardent followers/cheerleaders and totally brainwashed disciples, I truly thought this man walked on water too.

Thing is, after all the outlandish and ludicrous promises that were rarely kept and then the sheer logical fallacies and natural suspicions that crept up on me week by week, month by month until it just smacked me in the face how much of a ride that I and thousands of others have been taken on, it just seems so obvious to me now that this was all horseshit on an epic scale.

I honestly don’t know how I fell for all of this crap yet again with these biz ops and MLM money-traps.

I know of many similar stories that you will find from people who AREN’T up Tracy’s backside and have genuine complaints and concerns which of course as any of you on Facebook that follow or have followed him know, you cannot air on his ‘Wall Of Joy’.It doesn’t get any cult-ier than what Tracy does with all these self-glorifying glossy posters he puts of himself with quotes from others bigging him up constantly etc. It’s pure cult-like mentality all the way and even when I was convinced at one time that all of this was legit, I still found that creepy and worrying even then.

And the sheer arrogance of the man to say on one of his videos that not only does he welcome people trying to sue him for claims of not receiving their paid sign ups, but that he and his ‘legal team’ (who I think only exist in his head) would take on Paypal and sue them for being blacklisted?!

You know, because a multi-billion dollar LEGIT payment processor like Paypal will not touch the garbage that Tracy and people like him are peddling with a 50ft barge pole and with very good reason.

What truly gets me is that no one who is a supporter of Tracy will stop to think of the sheer logical fallacy of the endless recruiting chain. And added to that, Tracy’s completely ludicrous claims of his staff of recruiters pulling in 50,000 people a day or a week, even a month. Fact of the matter is, even if they COULD do that (which we KNOW they won’t and can’t), the age old problem of no one near the bottom being able to recruit anyone else and therefore losing money each month before they drop out, would still prevail.

I don’t think much in the way of attention has been brought to this yet because it’s still fairly new and unknown to a lot of people (thank Christ). But that’s only a matter of time.The interwebs will soon be chock full of desperate affiliates trying to get people into this crap. And then of course, we have Tracy’s famed ‘reality TV show’ (which Youtube have subsequently decided to terminate from their site, can’t think why?!)

Tracy’s continued claims of creating 10,000 millionaires by the end of ‘Season 1′(?!) is just about the most jaw-dropping and laughable of all.I even said to one of his followers, just how many people would it take under each one of those ‘millionaires’ to earn that kind of money? Hundreds of thousands a piece? And then how would THEY earn enough themselves? And according to the program’s website info, one can ‘possibly’ even earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, just from spillover!

One last thing – I was an agent for Pinoy Recruiters, so I’ve seen a little bit behind the curtain more than most. And if I had any niggling doubts then as to the authenticity and logistics of both PR and these programs, then they are full blown concerns now.

And Tracy one said about Zeek Rewards on one of his older TV show videos to a group of potential customers/agents, that the US government shut it down because “they didn’t like the compensation plan”.

Really? ‘Compensation plan’? By that you mean huge fraudulent scheme to elicit hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide through a massive Ponzi scam for its owners and top recruiters? Same shit with every one of these programs. 15 months of literally paying the price with these before I woke up and smelled the java.

Let’s just hope that this charlatan doesn’t get to carry on fleecing people for years to come.

  • Sep 5, 2014

My Missing Post?

Why is my post that I left here not showing still?

  • Aug 27, 2014

Workng at: Pinoy recruiters and Zeek Rewards vison Chat Conversation Start August 8, 2013 11:17 am Hi Tracy. I sent a money gram order to you for $500 for 50 signups. The money gram number is 89930084. I am expecting the 50 signups in the next 14 days after you receive the payment. Please let me know if you do not get the mg payment. (One year later) It has been 1 year and I have not received amy paid signups. I have asked for my money back several times and sent you an email that you did to respond to. Direct me to who I can talk to. Client relations and my lead is not responding to my request for my money back. Your giving millions away in profits. You don't need my money. Please refund it. This is Nona Tracy's Personal Assistant and I guess u werent paying attention to whats is happening. We dont give refunds and we offer free switch from PM to 60sms paid sign ups that you havent received. Please connect with your agent or better yet watch this Tracy Davison - 60 Second Millionaire TV - "How To Used The Switch Button On PR To Switch PM... I no longer trust you or your company to follow through. I have been waiting for 1 year to date for the signups that would only tie 14 days to fill. I am asking for my money back. .... I see I live in the area you grew up. I will be filing a fraud police report here against your company. All I want is my money back Did you ever follow this up way before? NO! right? So please connect with your agent coz we dont do refunds. Nona Do you follow through with purchasing orders? WE have rules we dont do refunds! That is the first I have heard this of the many times I have asked for a refund. Do you fill paid orders? Yes we filled orders cant u see all the people sending thank you to Tracy?

  • Jun 25, 2014

Tracy Davison, A.K.A "The 60 Second Millionaire" is a complete con-artist that is using a MLM company called Penny Matrix to swindle unsuspecting poeple out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He fled the U.S to the Phillipines after conning thousands of people out of their hard earned money through a pyramid scam called Zeek Rewards which was shut down after a $300,000,000.00 class action lawsuit. Tracy Davison was heavily involved in stealing thier money through this scam and is back to his old tricks. His new con: Tracy tells investors that he has a massive team of telemarketers built in the Philippines "because it cost less" of course to hire people there instead of the U.S. (Nothing to do with fleeing criminal prosecution from the Zeek Rewards lawsuit) and that they will "recruit" people into your downline for you. He then hypes up a massive explosion or spillover that will happen any time now. He accepts one payment method, Western Union only. The first problem is that Tracy always seems to move the dates of this spillover back again and again with one excuse after another on why nothing has happened. The second problem is that the "call center" does not even exist. He has used this same scam for over two years now with promises of HUGE returns with 0 results. He has a cheesy "reality show" which amazingly enough shows him taking large amounts of money from the Western Unions in the Phillipines. I personally know 3 people that sent him money via Western Union 1 year ago and his con artist friends refused to refund the money. He takes pictures with random people in the Phillipines that he probably just met and says they are his "telemarketers. Stay clear from anything this guy is involved in. It is without a doubt a 100% SCAM.

Most Useful Comment
  • Oct 1, 2014

so true,

The big problem with his idea, he hold people down with empty promises and always saying they are a baby born company and they accomplished so much with little money.

He is just using his talent to convince people to join and eventually they will become millionaire with time and effort, but sadly this will come with a price of purchasing paid sign up and the major problem is no time frame of delivery them to you and no money back!

Major red flag with no time frame...when are you going to receive them? i don't know but smell not good to any smart people.

He always demand more money from those paid sign ups to cover his operation"bootstrap" who cost his company not less than 40k per month !!! i thought Philippines was cheap to operate from and i can only think he's not really a good management operator since he collect easy money ( hard working money will make you choose wise decision).

So, now he playing everyone's to send more money or else all the operation will fall down and no one will be making money in future( this is the trap from him)...make people feel guilty of not recruiting fast enough to save his business.

The big Farce is the creation of 10 thousands millionaire(what the hell), we call that hype or exaggerate !!!

I conclude people who send the money are feeling worry and it is like a gamble problem, Tracy will always ask for more money to save his bizz opp and make feel all people guilty of failure.

Be aware of this man!!! Stay away and your wallet too!

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