Trustee Corps

Country United States
State California
City Irvine
Address 17100 Gillette Ave
Phone 949-252-8300

Trustee Corps Reviews

  • Jun 17, 2015

lauren gaige

I've worked closely with Kay for many years on a variety of projects and I can assure anyone reading this that she is certainly not a thief. Kay is an absolute doll, a wonderful person with a lot of talent and she's been a delight to work with.

I can't help but question the author of this post seeing as she lacks a basic grasp of the english language. She's unable to spell even the most basic of words and made several grammatical errors in her post. Probably because she wanted to see how many lies she could spew while angry that she isn't as talented as the individual she is posting about.

So let's get to this person and her "proof" now shall we?

#1. Claims Kay is a thief because she posted a desktop image of her design to her facebook page with the commentary "new design on the website" Nowhere does she claim to have made this design. She simply wanted her readers to check out her new design. This is something a lot of people do. It doesn't mean they claim to have created the design in question. So this little idiot and her "proof" is totally bogus.

#2. Claims Kay is a thief because she uses a heart icon in her footer section like hundreds of other bloggers have in the past. I was unaware that someone could copyright a heart icon? Oh.. What's that? She didn't? Then it's not theft. And once again the uneducated loser who posted this article is an idiot and a liar.

I'm going to assume the person who posted this article is miss Lauren Gaige of Restored 316 Designs. Lauren has a long history of attacking other people who make genesis child themes because she's not very talented and is evidently quite jealous of people with more talent than her. Lauren likes to try and kill off the competition because she's not smart enough to get a real job.

Lauren created ALL of her themes by using the genesis theme as a base. What does that mean? That means ALL of Lauren's themes are stolen, a direct rip of the genesis theme so to speak. MANY designers have done this and it's fine because the genesis theme is filed under the GNU - General Public License meaning that anyone can add or remove from the template and resell it as their own.

However, Lauren has a habit of copying her designs from other web designers including Lovely Confetti and PSW. Then she tries to turn it around and claim everyone is copying her when her wordpress themes were stolen to begin with. As if we needed any more proof that Lauren is a very sad, bitter and vengeful individual, right? Just google her. You'll find she's done this to many designers in the past.

Lauren, you need to get over yourself. You're not a special snowflake. Your designs are not original. You stole your design code from the genesis theme then copied design ideas from actual talented web designers across the web. You've been doing this since 2009 when you deleted "My Restored Life" after being caught reselling stolen wordpress themes. I see you still haven't moved on or changed your ways.

Lauren Gaige is not talented. She is not special. She is not a nice person. She's a thief and a bully who simply cannot bring herself to learn how to code and would rather resell someone else's code then attack people who have actual design talent and a college/university degree to back their talent up.

In closing, Lauren Gaige of Restored 316 Designs is a very pathetic, jealous, bitter, vengeful and little person who steals her wordpress themes and bullies other web designers. Stay as far away from her as possible. Her cheap rip off designs aren't worth $5 let alone the $50 she charges for them. The internet is full of talented web designers who will sell you a beautiful and functional template. Lauren? Not so much. Avoid Restored 316 Designs and it's childish owner like the plague. You won't regret it!

  • Jun 15, 2015

These companies have committed fraud since the time I signed loan docs in 2007. I requested verification of the debt, requested a qualified respa request and chose to ignore. They continue to bully consumers because our goverment leaders chose to look the other way. I even contacted my congressman Adam Schiff with this issue and they just love to get our votes, but when it comes to getting their assistance they are no where to be found. It seems as if the big banks are still too big to fail. Just as I suspected these crooks broke the chain of title since the inseption of the loan. I also got ripped off by a Private mortgage compliance in Austin Texas runned MCI by Joseph R. Esquivel Jr. 1888 491-3741 fax 877 606-2746, I was promised an investigation, and legal help. The only thing I received for my $2150.00 was an affidavit. Consumers be aware that no one should be charging for services that they promise but are unable to provide.

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