Spells, Psychics, Spirits Review Forum

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Spells, Psychics, Spirits Review Forum Reviews

  • May 2, 2016


Betreut.de ist meines Wissens das einzige Portal mit einem Gütesiegel und damit sehr vert&auenswr#252;rdig für Familien, die eine Betreuung suchen und für diejenigen, die ihren Dienst anbieten. Ich habe bereits in der Vergangenheit eine wunderbare Babysitterin gefunden und bin nun wieder über betreut.de auf der Suche. Ich denke, ich werde in Zukunft auch auf andere familienbezogene Dienstleistungen, die über betreut.de angeboten werden, zurückgreifen.

  • Sep 1, 2015

The Forum is a well known scam for years

Why should this fake "Hope" be ashamed??? Hahaha

The Forum is a well known scam for years and "Hope" want your money....

No, you need to inform the police, FBI etc. untill they will act!

  • Jun 8, 2015

I am a victim of spsreviewforum

My name is nicola swain. I lost over 18,000 gbp and felt completely used by hope. She kicked me to the curb once she realized i had no money left. I couldn't believe that i allowed someone to take advantage of my trust. Lets just say that hope is a professional con-artist and thief. I ended up taking out a second mortgage on my house to pay the spell casters she recommended to me such as yaya maria.

Once i was out of money, hope suspended me from her forum, removed my comments and left me broke. My house is on the verge of a foreclosure because of her.

At first i felt embarrassed to go the police because i felt that they wouldn't take me seriously or care about going after the criminal who ultimately ruined my family's life Hope).

However, the police are taking my situation seriously and they have an investigator assigned to this investigation. I feel confident that with evidence i have provided to them, they will be able to press charged against hope for fraud. Once they do, her real identity will be exposed all over the media and cnn. Victims who were initially scared to come forward will now feel like they can.

Spsreviewforum is one of the biggest, if not the biggest scam on the internet. About 98% of the comments are from accounts created by the same person Hope). The ip addresses of each post on her forum are the same. The only way they could all match is if the same person using the same computer was logging into them. Not to mention that whenever a comment is posted, 9 other comments follow almost immediately after.

Hope Aka the main person posting the comments on her forum) is making a killing by convincing people they were scammed by other spells casters, and luring them to spell casters she created to run the ultimate scam operation.

Http://orishaashe.com and spsreviewforum.com are directly related to each other. Yaya maria is nothing more then another made up name used by hope to conseal her real identity.

The internet is full of scam reports linked to hope Spsreviewforum.com ). Just by typing in "sps review forum scams" into google, you will see thousands of reports from people you have fallen victim to her forum.

Yaya maria Http://orishaashe.com) and sps review forum Spsreviewforum.com) have scammed more people then you could ever imagine. Never use any spell caster, psychic or spiritualist recommend on their forums. If you are a victim, call the police, file a report with the internet crime complaint center Www.Ic3.Gov).

Don't feel embarrassed about calling the police. Their job is to protect you and punish those who committed the crime.

The police have the tools necessary to track down hope, recover your money and put her behind bars where she belongs.

There is no doubt in my mind that hope or someone claiming to be a supporter of her forum will rush here to try to discredit my report. I have already been verbally threatened by her.

The facts: i am a victim of her forum and the police are now involved in the investigation.

The police would not be involved if they didn’t have clear evidence against her. I’m not the only victim who has lost thousands on her lies and deception. If you have been scammed by hope, call the police immediately. Another option is to go to your local police department to file a police report.

Don’t let this criminal get away with hurting you. Stand up for yourself and take action.

Www.Spsreviewforum.com is a scam itself!!!

Yaya maria Aka hope) is a fraud and charlatan

Evidence: notice that orishaashe.com was registered within the same year A few months apart) of when spsreviewforum.com was created. Both domains were updated within 17 days of each other. This is no coincidence.

  • Jan 22, 2015

Melissa is continuing to spread lies. it is just so very easy to fall for her silly lies. If you do not want to lose hundreds as I did you should read a wesbite that shows the evidence of her scamming and explanins it all. it is much deeper then you would think. i'll paste the link below. I was tricked into believing what she said and ended up purchasing from a "powerful witch" who was Hope behind the screen.

  • Dec 29, 2014

I joined the forum back in 2011 looking for a witch to help me get back my girlfriend. I asked for a particular witch but Hope told me he was a scammer. So I listened to her since she said she exposes scammers and I felt safe. It was brought to my attention just now that I was scammed after reading a website where they told me how she scams people. So Hope's name is Melissa Miller..and she scammed me by telling me lies about her competitition and telling me to buy from people she trusts. Well these "people" were her the whole time. No I never got my girlfriend back.Hope just asked more money from me with her fake spell caster sites saying she will come if I get this spell and that spell. I bought three spells that this witch suggessted and NOTHING for a year. Turns out it was a scam

...I spent $478.00 exactly!! Do NOT join this forum. bunch of bullshit

  • Dec 29, 2014


  • Dec 29, 2014

I am very disgusted by this mass scam that has been going on for years. I am not a direct victim of the forum but my sister is. Hope, the founder, has created a fake forum and has manipulated many - myself included! When my sister started looking for root workers when she began having marital problems, she told me and I got very into the whole idea of the practice. She told me of spsreviewforum.com and how it promoted real root workers since the internet is not safe. She was suggested a set of spell casters to help her by Hope whom used the fake accounts she generated in her forum to gain my sisters' trust and believe Hope. I was suspicious at first since Hope did not ever include her real name but I encouraged my sister to go through the spells. She was scammed in the harshest way where the casters did not return her emails of concern after not seeing movement in the first two months. Of course, nothing happened. Her ex husband remained unfaithful. Being an active user and research of magic, I have read the website which has exposed spsreviewforum as a scam. I am baffled. I never knew it was so deep. Hope's real name is Melissa Miller. She has been scamming people for years by creating her site along with fake accounts. Whenever someone asks for a spell caster, Melissa bashes her competition and tears them apart promoting false accusations. She has talked very badly of 99% of the spell casters/psychics in the e-community. She has promoted a few psychics and spell casters and has made huge amounts of money. She tricks people into buying services from her "a group of suggested practicioners" and they do as the are manipulated as they see the site as a scam revealing one when the site itself is the scam. These "really powerful practicioners" are actually Melissa's sites. She pretends to be a psychic and root worker with her own websites and eBay accounts. She has scammed people for years. Justice has really got to come to light. This is unbelieavable. Her tactics are pure evil. As for my sister, she is now a single mother of three. It only took her one bad experience to discourage her from witch craft and for her to completely loose every ounce of hope she had. She has moved on and it is for the best. Though I can't imagine how many other human beings who had fallen in horrible situations have been scammed to depression. When someone is looking for spells to save their life, they are desperate and it is a last report. They are volunarable. I can only hope God takes care of you and your sins of you will be leading a very horrific life paying for them. I feel it is my duty to raise awareness and have already reported her several times to the Cyber Crime FBI website. Please share the website that brought this mass scam to my attention.

It is called www.spsreviewforumexposed.tumblr.com Share on Twitter. I am doing everyday. Tell everyone in the spell craft community. Melissa, you will pay for everything. Money means nothing when you purposely steal away the hope left in these victims. You should be ashamed of yourself, Melissa Miller. Ashamed. I will be reporting you to the FBI everyday until you face jail. Don't you know you're committing Internet fraud and that can land you a lot of years in jail?

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